“After an eight-month hiatus due to COVID-19, the West Virginia Symphony Orchestra will perform again in November,” writes Bill Lynch in Sunday’s (11/1) Gazette-Mail (Charleston, W.V.). “The symphony, under the direction of Lawrence Loh, will present its first livestreaming concert Nov. 15. The performance will feature an all-strings version of the orchestra [in] ‘Lyric for Strings’ by composer George Walker, the first Black composer to win the Pulitzer Prize for music, Elgar’s ‘Serenade,’ and Beethoven’s Piano Concerto No. 4 with Orion Weiss on piano…. Current WVSO subscribers will receive complimentary access to the stream…. The 2020-2021 season … would have begun Oct. 3…. Due to continuing concerns about the coronavirus, the symphony canceled the first half of its season in August…. The Governor’s Office released guidelines for public performances Oct. 5…. Amanda McDonald, marketing director for the symphony, said, ‘I think we’re doing our best to make lemonade with some of the lemons COVID has given us.’ For the streaming performance, the symphony has partnered with West Virginia Public Broadcasting, which is providing the technical help to stream the concert. Following the live-streamed performance, Public Broadcasting will re-air the concert at 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 27.”