Wilbur Lin, new music director of the Denver Young Artists Orchestra. Photo by Lai Yueh-Chung via Colorado Symphony.
“Wilbur Lin is no revolutionary,” writes Marc Shulgold in Monday’s (5/29) Denver Gazette. “The newly arrived music director of the Denver Young Artists Orchestra chuckles at the suggestion. Yet he admits he’s anxious to help make some big changes in the new world of the American symphony. And, he insists, he’s not alone. ‘Many orchestras around the country are rethinking what’s our role in the community,’ the 34-year-old conductor said…. Music organizations have recently been re-examining programming, marketing, reaching out to minority communities, expanding education possibilities, etc. It’s a changing world. Music organizations are responding, Lin said, ‘and the DYAO is one of them. We want to be a trendsetter.’… Lin, who has also been named assistant conductor of the Colorado Symphony, is anxious to shake off the dust that’s long settled on the concert world…. Wilbur Lin ‘is anxious to break down barriers; to bring our orchestra into the 21st century … [and] has a fresh approach,’ says Kelly Waltrip, executive director of the Denver Young Artists Orchestra…. Lin brings an impressive résumé … He’s led operas and symphonies around the world, and has developed valuable experience sharing his knowledge and enthusiasm with audiences of all ages.”