Virginia’s Williamsburg Symphony Orchestra in a recent performance for young audiences.

In Wednesday’s (1/15) Williamsburg Yorktown Daily (Virginia), Jillian Appel writes, “The Williamsburg Symphony Orchestra partnered with Really Inventive Stuff to bring performances of ‘Peter and the Wolf’ to Williamsburg-James City County Elementary Schools.  A total of 16 performances were put on at nine different elementary schools beginning on Jan. 8 and concluding on Jan. 14…. The Williamsburg Symphony Orchestra was founded in 1984 as The Williamsburg Symphonia … It was its founders’ mission to bring free concerts to children who might otherwise be denied the inspiration and joys of classical music. ‘As a part of our 40th Anniversary, thanks to the sponsors of ‘Peter and the Wolf’ and the grants that help support our entire season, we were able to give the gift of music and performance art to every elementary school in the Williamsburg-James City County public school system with these 16 performances of “Peter and the Wolf.” We are so excited to give back our community,’ said Doug Olneik, Marketing and Promotion for Williamsburg Symphony Orchestra.” The program features staging by “Really Inventive Stuff, a production company creating playful, theatrical programs for orchestra concerts for young audiences.”