“The Royal Philharmonic Society has announced a new partnership with Women Conductors, which holds a series of two-day workshops throughout the year across the U.K.,” reports Keith Clarke in Friday’s (7/22) MusicalAmerica.com (subscription required). “The program was formerly known as Women Conductors at Morley, having been established at London’s Morley College in 2014. It was set up by artistic director Alice Farnham … and Andrea Brown, formerly director of music at the college…. The workshops welcome both inexperienced women conductors and existing professionals…. Two previous workshop participants, Tianyi Lu and Chaowen Ting, have been selected to take part in Dallas Opera’s Linda and Mitch Hart Institute for Women Conductors residency this winter, where Farnham has been invited as part of the faculty. Phase one of the program is for women aged 16+ who are full-time students or have recently finished studying. Phase two is for female professional musicians of all ages (minimum age 18) wishing to develop their careers by adding conducting to their professional portfolios. Workshops in 2017 will include Jane Glover on the classical symphony, Sian Edwards on the romantic symphony and Julia Jones on opera (in collaboration with the Royal Opera’s Jette Parker Young Artists Program).”
Posted July 25, 2016