“Yo-Yo Ma, one of the world’s most renowned and beloved musicians, is trying to provide comfort in this time of crisis,” reports Jeffrey Brown on Wednesday’s (3/18) PBS Newshour. “Ma has been posting videos of himself performing short pieces and encouraging other musicians—of all levels—around the world to join him in offering ‘Songs of Comfort,’ ” using the hashtag #SongsofComfort, where musicians can share their performances on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. In an interview with Brown, Yo-Yo Ma says, “This idea came pretty much spontaneously. Music always has been comforting to me, this is what I do, and this is the best that I can offer. And I know many people are doing everything they can from what they know.… What’s amazing is that what’s already happened is that, since just a couple of days ago, there are people who have posted from the Mayo Clinic. Two doctors have actually sung something. The lead singer from a rock band, Mashrou Leila in Lebanon, actually put in a song. And two women from Ireland and Germany sang something…. The idea is music is for everyone.” Yo-Yo Ma’s original post about the project is on Twitter.