In Wednesday’s (10/14) Albany Herald (New York), Cathy Higgins reports, “The Albany Symphony Orchestra is getting a financial boost for its 18th annual Peppermint Pops holiday concert. At a news conference held in front of the Albany Municipal Auditorium Tuesday, the Albany Chamber Foundation presented the Symphony with a $10,000 check to fund Peppermint Pops. … According to Symphony Association President Edgar Duskin Jr., Chamber Foundation funding will pay for almost half of the cost to produce Peppermint Pops, which will be performed 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. on Dec. 12. … Additional funding for the Symphony comes from grants and support from donors. … According to Duskin, Albany Chamber Foundation’s sponsorship of Peppermint Pops comes at an ideal time, as the Symphony is among the Albany organizations to feel the effects of the nation’s economic downturn.”
Posted October 14, 2009