“The Albany Symphony Orchestra on Saturday presents and premieres ‘Distances,’ the specifically commissioned work of Tyson Davis, a 20-year-old composer from the Juilliard School,” writes Shrishti Mathew in Wednesday’s (2/10) Times Union (Albany, N.Y.). “The evening will also include performances of Johannes Brahms’ Serenade No.1 in D Major, and William Walton’s ‘Façade,’ narrated by [soprano] Lucy Fitz Gibbon. ‘It’s this idea of the fresh eyes of youth, of young artists,’ said David Alan Miller, music director of the ASO. ‘Even though these pieces are very dissimilar from one another, … it’s this idea of young composers, trying to find their voices and sort of develop their mature voices.’ Brahms and Walton were both in their 20s when the pieces on Saturday’s program were written, and there are elements throughout the night’s music that point toward the future of each composer. Like them, Miller said, Davis still inventing himself and developing, which makes this an interesting experience now…. The program will be performed live as well as livestreamed.” The event will include “a pre-concert chat and a post-concert, real-time ‘talk-back’ session with guest composers, soloists, and Miller.”
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