“Alexander Mickelthwate couldn’t stop smiling as he accepted the conductor’s baton from Maestro Joel Levine with an enthusiastic embrace,” writes Brandy McDonnell in Monday’s (5/22) Oklahoman (Oklahoma City, OK). “After a 2 ½-year search and selection process, the Oklahoma City Philharmonic literally pulled back a curtain Monday evening … to reveal that Mickelthwate, 46, has been named the orchestra’s conductor and music director designate. The German native will succeed Levine, who has led the OKC Philharmonic for all 28 seasons of its history and will retire in May 2018…. ‘We just made the announcement, and I am thrilled with the number of people who are coming up to me and saying, “He was my choice,” ’ said OKC Philharmonic Executive Director Eddie Walker…. [Mickelthwate] began his North American career as assistant conductor with the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra and later served as associate conductor of the Los Angeles Philharmonic. He has been the music director of the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra for 12 years…. Mickelthwate will initially take up the baton for the OKC Philharmonic as the music director designate, a title he will carry through June 2018.” During the 2017-18 season, Levine and Mickelthwate will each conduct three concerts.
Posted May 23, 2017
Pictured: Oklahoma City Philharmonic Music Director Joel Levine, left, with Alexander Mickelthwate, the Philharmonic’s music director designate, at the Civic Center Hall of Mirrors. Photo by Steve Gooch / The Oklahoman