“Though its live concerts have been canceled, the Fayetteville Symphony Orchestra is still reaching out to its audience [with] a series of short videos called ‘Storytime With the Symphony: Adventures With Arthur’ that are geared toward children,” writes Rodger Mullen in Sunday’s (6/7) Fayetteville Observer (Fayetteville, N.C.). “Various symphony players discuss their instruments and play a tune or two. The videos are intercut with clips of 3-year-old Arthur Busman watching the performances with his mother, Sarah Busman … principal flutist with the orchestra…. The symphony musicians record their videos in their homes and send them to Busman. She edits them to add Arthur’s reactions and her own. ‘It’s sort of like the person watching the video is kind of watching it with Arthur,’ Busman said…. Monica Thiriot, operations and education manager and a violinist with the symphony, said … the symphony is producing a couple of videos a week. It will continue making them at least through June, she said…. ‘We want people to know we’re still musicians, we’re still creating. We’re just going to have to be creative for the next little while,’ Busman said. ‘I think this is an awesome way of doing that.’ ”
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