On December 16, Maryland’s Annapolis Symphony Orchestra will perform “Christmas Fiesta,” together with the Canadian ensemble Sultans of String, featuring what are billed as “symphonic world music” versions of “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring,” “The Little Drummer Boy,” and a ska-inspired “Feliz Navidad,” among others. The concert at Maryland Hall will also feature the world premieres of Sultans of String’s symphonic versions of “Hallelujah,” “Jingle Bells,” and “Happy Christmas (War Is Over).” Though “Christmas Fiesta” has been performed with orchestras throughout Canada—including the Edmonton Symphony, where it debuted—the Annapolis Symphony’s performance program at Maryland Hall is the first time it will be performed with a U.S. orchestra. Members of the Sultans of String are Chris McKhool (five-string violin), Kevin Laliberté and Eddie Paton (guitar), Drew Birston (bass), and Chendy Leon (percussion).
Posted December 12, 2016