“If you have ever wanted to explore the music and instruments of cultures around the world and throughout history, look no further than the Musical Instrument Museum,” writes Kelly Hwang in Tuesday’s (4/21) Arizona Republic (Phoenix). “Its instruments and other objects represent the music and culture of every country via interactive exhibits, special events, concerts and educational programs. The MIM is celebrating its fifth anniversary with a week’s worth of activities starting Monday, April 20, and culminating with the activity-packed Experience MIM festival Saturday and Sunday.… Upon arrival, each guest receives a GuidePort system with headphones. When a visitor approaches, say, the Alice Cooper video display, the GuidePort plays the audio of Cooper performing. It’s like a personal guided tour. On a recent Wednesday, the museum was busy with families and tourists.… A teen strummed a guitar in the Experience Gallery, and a young visitor played Bach’s fast-paced Solfeggio in C minor on the Steinway Model B in the lobby.… Educational outreach is essential to the MIM’s mission. In 2014, the museum offered free admission for 60 percent of school tours and helped fund transportation costs for 28 school districts and seven schools.”
Posted April 23, 2015