The California Symphony and Musicians Union Local 6 of the American Federation of Musicians have ratified a new three-year musicians’ contract. The orchestra, which is based in Walnut Creek north of San Francisco, has also announced a new three-year contract with Music Director Donato Cabrera. Both agreements are retroactive to August 1, 2015 and run through July 31, 2018. The musicians’ contract calls for a wage freeze in the 2015-16 season, a 1.4 percent increase in base wages beginning in 2016-17, and no increase in 2017-18. “I’m grateful to the Players’ Committee for their willingness to have honest conversations about both the history and present state of the organization,” said California Symphony Executive Director Aubrey Bergauer in a statement. “Together, we were able to work toward the right decisions necessary to continue delivering incredibly high-quality music while also appropriately planning for current budget needs.” Sharon Simpson, a longtime California Symphony supporter, has offered a “200 for 200” challenge: if the orchestra receives $200,000 in donations from 200 households by October 30, she will match that total with a gift of $200,000.
Posted October 7, 2015