“The Atlanta Symphony Orchestra is devoting the next two seasons to a prolonged exploration of the two titans of music,” Beethoven and Bernstein, dubbed “LB/LB,” writes Jon Ross in Tuesday’s (3/14) Atlanta Constitution-Journal. “In the symphony’s 2017-2018 season, which begins Sept. 21 … the majority of the programs either feature one of the composers or highlight works they championed.… Beethoven programming will include six of his nine symphonies, four piano concertos, a violin concerto and the ‘Missa Solemnis.’ During the next two seasons, pianist Jonathan Biss will appear in solo settings on Wednesday nights to perform the entire cycle of Beethoven piano sonatas…. [Mirageas said] that the entire cycle has never been performed in Atlanta by a single pianist. The orchestra will also perform six Bernstein works, including the composer’s first two symphonies.… A staged performance of Bernstein’s ‘Candide’ (May 9-20, 2018) … will be directed by Susan Booth, artistic director of the Alliance Theatre,” with the orchestra onstage. The ASO will perform “a number of works by ASO bassist Michael Kurth [including] ‘A Thousand Words’ and … a brand-new commission. The symphony will also record a disc of his compositions next year.” Also planned are a concert version of Verdi’s Otello with tenor Russell Thomas in the title role and the Mozart Requiem with the ASO Chorus.
Posted March 15, 2017