“To make up for the loss of concerts canceled by Montana’s stay-at-home order, the Billings Symphony is shifting its annual ‘Who Cares’ benefit concert to a free, online format that will stream live on Facebook and YouTube at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, May 5,” writes Mitch Large in Wednesday’s (4/30) KTVQ.com (Billings, MT). “The ‘Who Cares’ benefit … supports the symphony’s outreach programs … to places … like nursing homes and prisons…. The ‘Who Cares’ benefit was originally scheduled to happen at the Northern Hotel this weekend featuring Latin music from the band John Roberts y Pan Blanco. Roberts, the band leader, jumped at the opportunity to play in a virtual setting with the symphony…. Ahead of the ‘Who Cares’ benefit concert on Tuesday, the symphony will stream music for free all day [featuring music] symphony musicians have been filming at home…. The theme of the ‘Who Cares’ benefit asks, ‘Who cares about what’s going on for the patients in the hospital or women in the prison? And the answer is, we care and we know that you care about our community too,’ says Sandy Cantesano, development and events manager of the Billings Symphony.”
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