“A classically trained violinist, violist and cellist-turned-drag performer, Brooklyn musician Thorgy Thor joins the Charlotte Symphony Orchestra on Friday and Saturday nights with back-to-back shows that bridge Beethoven and Bruno Mars,” writes Courtney Devores in Thursday’s (1/16) Charlotte Observer (N.C.). “When Thorgy offhandedly floated the idea of touring to play with ‘Thorchestras’ following an impromptu classical performance on ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race,’ she didn’t expect it to materialize. ‘I got 500 emails … I realized I said something right for people and professional players,’ says Thor (whose real name is Shane Galligan). Her initial idea was to find other drag performers with classical chops…. Thorgy performs with resident orchestras throughout the U.S. and Canada. She made her U.S. debut in June with the Pittsburgh Symphony and often appears during Pride season…. The show combines LGBTQ history through its selection of composers (including Aaron Copland) and gay rights supporters (like Lady Gaga and Madonna), Thorgy’s signature humor, and wild costumes. ‘I have to win the audience over, but I also feel like I have to win the orchestras over,’ she says…. ‘I want to meld these two worlds [so] kids that see me on a TV show can come and see Tchaikovsky.’ ”