On April 18, the Charlotte Symphony Orchestra in partnership with the City of Charlotte held a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the orchestra’s new mobile stage.
In Thursday’s WCNC (Charlotte, North Carolina), Emma Korynta reports, “The Charlotte Symphony Orchestra (CSO) is hitting the road in an effort to bring the community together. The orchestra is taking a mobile stage through the city’s Corridors of Opportunity and beyond in a series of free concerts. Musicians are performing with the assistance of a 40-foot trailer and a mobile stage, which will be set up in streets, parks, and plazas for the ‘walk-up’ concerts. It all kicked off Thursday with a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the mobile stage followed by a concert. The first leg of the CSO Roadshow has been announced.” Concerts include the CSO with Ultima Nota at the Música con Amigos show at the Latin American Coalition, and the CSO will perform at the Mayfield Memorial Missionary Baptist Church and the Ophelia Garmon-Brown Community Center. “Organizers said each concert will be unique to the neighborhood it’s performed in, taking into consideration the residents’ tastes and preferences. It’s the latest effort announced connected to the Corridors of Opportunity program. As part of the program, the city is working with nonprofits and community leaders to work on uplifting historically underinvested areas in the city.”