The Charlotte Symphony Orchestra, in partnership with the city of Charlotte, will give free concerts from a new mobile stage next summer. In photo: CSO musicians Joshua Hood and Olivia Oh perform at Summer Pops in Symphony Park. Photo courtesy of Charlotte Symphony Orchestra.

In the November 2 Charlotte Observer (NC), Catherine Muccigrosso writes, “The Charlotte Symphony Orchestra is taking its music to the streets of Charlotte with free concerts in various neighborhoods thanks to a new set of wheels. Starting next spring, the CSO Roadshow will hold 10 performances from a 40-foot stage trailer on wheels … The customized trailer will hold up to 30 musicians. It lets orchestra musicians ‘meet people where they are, break down barriers, celebrate the work of local artists and performers, and make live orchestral music accessible to individuals who may not typically attend concerts at our traditional venues,’ Charlotte Symphony CEO David Fisk said … The mobile stage will move throughout different neighborhoods that are ‘corridors of opportunity.’ There are six under-invested areas in Charlotte, designated by the city as corridors of opportunity…. CSO Roadshow will not only perform in the neighborhoods but collaborate with communities … For example, local singers and poets could perform from the stage with the orchestra…. Each concert program will be tailored to specific audiences through symphony and community collaboration…. The mobile stage will be available for rent by other local arts and cultural groups.”