“The Cleveland Indians’ home season will begin this year with a musical home run,” writes Zachary Lewis in Wednesday’s (4/1) Plain Dealer (Cleveland, Ohio). “Rather than a pop singer, the team has invited Arianna Korting, first-prize winner of the 2012 Cleveland International Piano Competition Young Artists Competition, to play the national anthem at its home opener against the Detroit Tigers on Friday, April 10…. The version of the anthem she’ll play will come courtesy of Evan Fein, a Cleveland native and a graduate of the Cleveland Institute of Music…. Korting, now a student at the Juilliard School in New York, took first prize in the senior division of the 2012 CIPC Young Artists Competition, a high-level, international event for pianists 12 to 18. The 2015 competition takes place May 12-21 at Baldwin Wallace University and the Cleveland Museum of Art…. ‘A lot of people outside classical music will get to hear this,’ Korting said. ‘I want them to hear it and say, “Wow, that’s so cool.” … You can sing along to it,’ she said. ‘It’s definitely still the anthem. I think people will enjoy listening to it.’ ”
Posted April 2, 2015