“There are no symphonies floating through Severance Hall right now, but the Cleveland Orchestra is still making its music—and its stories—heard during the pandemic,” writes Anne Nickoloff in Sunday’s (4/19) Plain Dealer (OH). “The orchestra has started a weekly podcast series called ‘On a Personal Note.’ The 10-episode series will provide personal stories from individual members of the orchestra, along with classical selections performed by the Cleveland Orchestra. It’s available to stream at clevelandorchestra.com/podcast…. ‘On a Personal Note’ launched Thursday…. The first two episodes feature French horn player Richard King discussing his roots and early music-listening habits, and Music Director Franz Welser-Möst painting a picture of what it was like to conduct the Cleveland Orchestra’s final show before the coronavirus shutdown started … ‘a very surreal experience for us … knowing it was a farewell of sorts,’ said Welser-Möst…. In coming weeks, ‘On a Personal Note’ will feature Cleveland Orchestra violinist Katherine Bormann, principal horn player Nathaniel Silberschlag, cellist Martha Baldwin, principal trumpet player Michael Sachs, and more. The podcast builds on other @Home [online] offerings from the Cleveland Orchestra, which includes archived performances, living room shows and online music education resources.”
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