“Michelle Merrill, who’s led the Coastal Symphony of Georgia since 2018, is always looking for cutting-edge pieces to pair with timeless treasures,” writes Lindsey Addison in Friday’s (2/28) New Brunswick News (Brunswick, Georgia). “She will do that again for an upcoming concert, slated for 8 p.m. Monday at the Brunswick High School auditorium [featuring] works by present-day composers Jessie Montgomery and Caroline Shaw…. ‘They are really good pieces, and I think they fit really well with the others that we’re doing from Haydn [Symphony No. 84] and Mozart [Symphony No. 39],’ she said…. The symphony will play Montgomery’s short yet powerful piece, ‘Starburst.’ ‘It’s only three minutes long … it explores what a starburst would look like in musical terms—the colors and the space,’ Merrill said.… The symphony will play Caroline Shaw’s piece ‘Entr’acte.’ ‘It’s visually beautiful to watch in addition to being a wonderful piece to hear. There are some extended techniques used…. There’s a part that sounds more like sandpaper than string harmonics,’ … Merrill said…. The final concert of the 2019-2020 season … on April 13 … will include multiple pieces such as ‘Purple Rhapsody’ by Joan Tower and ‘The White Peacock’ by Charles Tomlinson Griffes.”
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