Detroit is a city on the rebound, writes Michael Kimmelman in Tuesday’s (1/10) New York Times, symbolized by the installation of 65,000 new LED streetlights, which help make the city safer and more vibrant. The League of American Orchestras’ 2017 National Conference, hosted by the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, takes place in Detroit June 6-8. “Let’s hope that if anyone writes a history of Detroit’s rejuvenation, a chapter is devoted to the lights returning,” states Kimmelman. “Like picking up the trash, fixing potholes and responding to emergencies, these efforts signal that no matter where you live in Detroit, you are no longer forgotten—that government here can finally keep its basic promises.… This is where the new lights come in. They’re spread all across town. The project cost $185 million, paid by the city and the state.… Three years ago, nearly half the 88,000 streetlights in the city were out of commission. The more potent LED lights allow the authority to replace those 88,000 old fixtures with 65,000 new ones.… The whole thing came in under budget and on time.” Stay tuned for more about the League’s 2017 National Conference.
Posted January 10, 2017