In Saturday’s (11/7) El Paso Times (Texas), Doug Pullen writes, “Andres ‘Andy’ Moran celebrated his 30th birthday on Jan. 30, got married on Aug. 29, has been working on a doctorate in music all year and last May emerged from a field of nearly 55 candidates to become the second music director of the El Paso Symphony Youth Orchestras. ‘It’s been pretty eventful,’ said the affable, low-key Moran, who was studying at Indiana University in Bloomington when he heard that EPSYOs founder Benjamin Loeb was stepping down at the end of last season. Moran makes his conducting debut with the EPSYOs at 3 p.m. today at the Abraham Chavez Theatre. The orchestras’ season opener will include the allegretto from Beethoven’s Symphony No. 7, Brahms’ Academic Overture, Bartok’s ‘Ten Pieces from ‘For Children,’ and—befitting a youth orchestra program—symphonic highlights from ‘The Pirates of the Caribbean.’ It’s a homecoming for Moran, who was born and educated in El Paso, taught here, played with the El Paso and Las Cruces orchestras and got his bachelor’s degree in music education from New Mexico State University in 2001.”
Posted November 9, 2009