“The Elgin Symphony Orchestra will be among the first in the area to hold a live performance in 2021 when it launches its Fridays on the Farm summer concert series next month,” writes Rick West in Tuesday’s (4/27) Daily Herald (suburban Chicago). “The three-concert series, which kicks off May 21, will take place at The Venue at Goebbert’s Pumpkin Patch and Apple Orchard in Pingree Grove. It will be a return engagement for the ESO, which held smaller concerts there last fall. Executive Director Erik Malmquist said it was a successful test run. ‘It was an experiment with a new outdoor space and COVID mitigations, but it turned out to be a real win for us,’ Malmquist said…. Music director Andrew Grams said he was looking forward to the return trip after being ‘pleasantly surprised’ by the fall concerts…. Patrons will be limited to 150 per show, though officials hope to increase that number in subsequent concerts depending on which phase of pandemic mitigations Illinois has in place on those dates…. Grams said he and the ESO are excited to play together again, and he knows the public is ready, too.”
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