“The COVID-19 reality has been tough on musicians, forcing both the Elgin Symphony Orchestra and the Elgin Youth Symphony Orchestra to cancel the rest of their seasons ending in May,” writes Elana Ferrarin in Friday’s (4/10) Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL). “The professional orchestra might put together a virtual, prerecorded end-of-season concert the weekend of May 2…. The youth orchestra will do that for its season finale May 10. ‘I’m excited about that,’ said cellist Miranda Victor, 17, of Campton Hills, who is ending her run with EYSO to go to college next year. ‘But I’m a little bit sad that we won’t be able to do our last concert together in person.’ … Elgin Youth Symphony Orchestra Artistic Director Matthew Sheppard said … the students’ first Zoom rehearsal had perfect attendance, normally difficult to obtain because of everyone’s busy lives…. Performing a virtual live concert is impossible because of the inevitable lag among people’s internet connections, Sheppard said. Instead, the virtual concert May 10 will be put together using individual video recordings of the musicians…. When the concert is streamed, the students will be able to watch themselves perform, Sheppard said…. ‘I know it’s really meaningful for them, especially the graduating seniors.’ ”
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