“Today we have another in the series of celebrity-constructed puzzles that are running as part of the 75th anniversary of The New York Times Crossword celebration,” writes Deb Amblin in Tuesday’s (4/18) New York Times. Tuesday’s puzzle was created by pianist Emanuel Ax and crossword enthusiast Brad Wilber. “Mr. Ax and Mr. Wilber offer us a ‘word that can go at the end of another word’ theme … all four of the theme entries are lively and interesting.” In a Constructors’ Note, Ax writes, “I have been a passionate devotee of The Times puzzle for more years than I can count. When I travel, the daily puzzle is one of the things that makes me feel close to home. I am also very happy that my children seem to have caught the bug, and are far better than me at solving. Getting to try to make one for the great [crossword editor] Will Shortz has been a true highlight for me and I am grateful to Brad for his expertise, inspiration and patience.” Amblin writes, “Nicely done, Mr. Ax. You might have an alternative career in puzzles, should the music thing not work out.”
Posted April 19, 2017