“The Erie Philharmonic and EMTA have teamed up to bring back the Cultural Loop,” states an unsigned report on Tuesday’s (4/19) Erie News Now (PA). The Cultural Loop, which provides free Saturday-evening trolley rides to events in Erie’s downtown, is operated through a partnership between the Erie Metropolitan Transit Authority and the Erie Philharmonic. “The free service will run Saturday evenings from 5 p.m. to midnight starting April 30. The route will stop at many of downtown Erie’s attractions such as the Erie Art Museum, expERIEnce Children’s Museum, Erie Insurance Arena, the Warner Theatre [where the Philharmonic performs], PACA and the Erie Playhouse….  Philharmonic officials said the service will be running in time for its Star Wars: A New Hope film-with-live-orchestra concert April 30, which is sold out and will bring more than 2,100 people to downtown.” Erie Philharmonic Executive Director Steve Weiser said, “The Philharmonic and the EMTA are honored to make an investment in our community benefitting all patrons. Regardless if you’re attending concerts at the Warner Theatre … or any of the other fabulous locations up and down State and French Streets, this service will prove beneficial to thousands each year.”