Five orchestras have been chosen to receive 2011-12 MetLife Governance Grants for Board Development from the League of American Orchestras: Central Ohio Symphony, Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra (Michigan), Lexington Symphony (Massachusetts), National Philharmonic (Maryland), and Whatcom Symphony Orchestra (Washington). The grants, ranging from $4,200 to $6,500, provide financial support to strengthen board governance practice. The orchestras were selected through a competitive application process that assessed their plan for board development, its long- and short-term impact, and measurement of results. As a precondition to the application, orchestra boards all participated in the League of American Orchestras/Board Source self-assessment resource for orchestra boards. “MetLife Foundation is pleased to support and honor the good work of American orchestras,” said Dennis White, president and CEO of MetLife Foundation. “Strong governance is essential to the functioning of nonprofit organizations, and we are proud to partner with the League of American Orchestras to develop and strengthen orchestra boards.” Click here to listen to audio interviews with recipients of the first round of MetLife grants in 2010-11.
Posted November 8, 2011