“For more than four decades, the Hernando Symphony Orchestra has filled the halls and gatherings of Hernando with the sounds of popular music, performed by virtuoso musicians who play everything from pop hits to holiday music, movie themes to jazzy favorites and Broadway tunes,” writes Megan Hussey in Tuesday’s (7/7) Hernando Sun (Hernando County, FL). “The music was silenced this spring … in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic…. Yet Michele DiLuzio, conductor and co-founder of the Hernando Symphony, was determined to find a way to let the music play…. ‘My desire was to find a new venue that would safely allow for us to social distance, had better parking with lighting,’ said DiLuzio. ‘The HSO’s new home is St. Frances Cabrini Church [in] Spring Hill…. The large capacity … will allow us to safely social distance.’ … The HSO’s debut concert at St. Frances Cabrini will be a free concert [on] Oct. 4. … ‘St. Frances normally has a seating capacity of 1,200,’ said DiLuzio…. ‘They have already closed off every other row of seating to now hold 600.’ … Additional safety measures will be mandated,” including face coverings in the sanctuary and hand sanitizer stations.
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