“Every dollar given to the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra now is worth two,” write Andrea Ahles in Monday’s (2/6) Fort Worth Star-Telegram (Texas). “The symphony has received a $1.5 million challenge grant from the Amon G. Carter Foundation and has launched a campaign called ‘Play Your Part: 3 Steps to $3 Million Challenge.’ The Carter foundation will match $500,000 per year for the next three years…. ‘There were a lot of people who were bereft when the symphony wasn’t performing’ [during last year’s musicians strike], FWSO president Amy Adkins said…. ‘Now is an opportunity for them to step up and make a difference.’ The foundation will match contributions up to $10,000 from new, lapsed and existing donors who increase their donation and pledge the same level of support for the subsequent two years…. ‘It is our intent for this challenge grant to encourage broader community support for the symphony,’ … John Robinson, executive vice president of the Amon G. Carter Foundation, said.” FWSO Chairman of the Board Mercedes T. Bass said, “To have an orchestra that is this good, it costs money. Once you realize what you have, I think, hopefully, you would want to support it.”
Posted February 17, 2017