May 21, 2014 from 12 to 1pm EST
Board participation in fundraising is a perennial struggle for many nonprofit organizations. The “Engaging Your Board in Fundraising” webinar approaches the issue by asking, What is keeping the staff from being more successful in engaging the board in fundraising? We’ll explore barriers and misperceptions that can impede staff success in working with board members, discuss how to set up conditions so that board members are self-motivated to fundraise and friend-raise, and discuss how staff can create fundraising opportunities so that board members can easily “plug in.”
As a result of this webinar participants will:
• Understand the barriers that can keep staff from being more successful at engaging board members in fundraising;
• Gain a better understanding of board member needs and perspectives when it comes to fundraising;
• Learn five steps for engaging board members in fundraising and how this relates to the type of information, support, training, and opportunities you offer to your board members.
Kathy Hedge, Kathy Hedge Nonprofit Consulting
Free to members via the League’s BoardSource partnership. Register here for the webinar.
This webinar is based on the BoardSource ebook Engaging Your Board in Fundraising. Click here to download.
Posted April 17, 2014