In Sunday’s (4/27) Tribune-Democrat (Johnstown, Pennsylvania), Ruth Rice writes about an upcoming concert, “the 125th Commemoration of the Johnstown Flood,” by the Johnstown Symphony Orchestra, featuring “music focusing on the resilient spirit of the residents of Johnstown.… ‘As we approach the 125th anniversary of both the great flood of 1889 and the chartering of Johnstown as a city in the commonwealth, we’ll include pieces composed by and performed by Johnstowners and music commissioned and orchestrated specifically for our Johnstown Symphony Orchestra,’ [said board president Dennis McNair]…. There will be several selections by Johnstown native Charles W. Cadman, including his ‘Pennsylvania Symphony’ and ‘My Own Johns-town.’ … Compositions written specifically for the orchestra include Richman’s ‘A Time for Heroes,’ Galbraith’s ‘Fantasy for Orchestra,’ Love’s ‘Johnstown Waltz,’ Stult’s ‘100th Anniversary March’ and Saverino’s ‘Crown American March.’ Chorus director Sam Coco will sing Cuomo’s ‘Night of the Johnstown Flood,’ accompanied by the orchestra.… To reflect on the thousands who have perished in Johnstown’s floods, a short excerpt from Dvorak’s ‘New World Symphony’ will be played. ‘In a sense, this is a bittersweet occasion because we remember those who perished in the floods and celebrate the city with the hope of a bright future,’ ” said Music Director Istvan Jaray.
Posted April 28, 2014