“Early music specialist Jordi Savall has postponed a concert with his ensemble Hespèrion XXI, which was due to take place on 17 December at the refugee camp in Calais, France,” reads an unsigned report in Wednesday’s (12/2) The Strad. “The Spanish viol player and conductor, who was named an UNESCO Artist for Peace in 2008, was scheduled to appear at the ‘Calais Together’ event, highlighting the plight of migrants at the camp. However, in the wake of the terrorist attacks in Paris last month, Savall has cited doubts about security. In a long open letter, published on his Facebook page, he explains … ‘It is only my proposal to postpone these activities to a less turbulent period.… I regret the disappointment that will be caused to the migrants and the people of Calais, who perhaps rejoiced in our coming and who feel frustrated by this change…. I give my word that I will be with them soon, no later than next spring. In these times of so much senseless violence.… We believe that access to culture and art are the best basis for hope, education and justice.’ ”
Posted December 2, 2015