The League of American Orchestras has launched Symphony Spot, an online hub of livestreams, videos, and digital learning events from members and friends of the League. As concert halls across the country go dark due to the COVID-19 pandemic, orchestras have given hope and solace to a quarantined public by making an unprecedented number of online performances and educational resources available free of charge. Symphony Spot gives teachers, journalists, bloggers, and the general public a one-stop landing place to explore the inspiration that only orchestral music can provide. From a performance of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra to the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra’s Bedtime with Bach video series, and from the Boston Symphony Orchestra’s instrument demonstrations and virtual lessons to cutting-edge new music from American Composers Orchestra, Symphony Spot features content from more than 100 orchestras, venues, and soloists, with new additions daily. Visit for more.
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