“The League of American Orchestras is bringing its annual conference back to Detroit for the first time in more than 30 years,” writes Sherri Welch in Thursday’s (5/25) Crain’s Detroit Business. “About 1,000 orchestra leaders, musicians, staff and volunteers from around the country are expected to attend Detroit Rising/Transformation in American Orchestras June 6-8 at the Max M. and Marjorie S. Fisher Music Center and the Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center.… It will focus on the ways forward for orchestras in an uncertain public policy landscape, set against the backdrop of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra’s revitalization and Detroit’s resurgent community…. The DSO’s own evolution is relevant to orchestras around the country facing similar issues, said Jesse Rosen, president and CEO of the New York-based League of American Orchestras. The orchestra’s rebound… along with Detroit’s rebound are ‘highly relevant to our whole field because increasingly orchestras are bound up in fates and futures of their communities,’ he said.… Hosting the annual conference in Detroit ‘is a great learning opportunity for our members.’ Following its musicians’ strike in 2010 … today, the Detroit orchestra’s ‘One DSO’ mantra is pervasive within its culture, Rosen said, adding there are T-shirts that tout the board, staff and musicians are working and pulling for the same organization.”
Posted May 26, 2017
Photo of Detroit Symphony Orchestra and Music Director Leonard Slatkin by Cybelle Codish