An un-bylined editorial in Monday’s (8/24) Guardian (London) states, “To audiences for whom the art of orchestral conducting remains a mystery there is now the enlightenment of MaestroCam. At five televised Proms this summer, if you press the red button on your remote control, you can spend the whole evening focused entirely on the man on the podium. Even better, you get a discreet and informative commentary from experts like Matthew Rowe, Peter Stark and Jason Lai—who featured as conductor-mentors in Maestro, the BBC series for stickwaving wannabes and who all belong to the Richie Benaud school of commentary and only speak when they have something that needs saying. Last week Daniel Barenboim became the latest conductor to have his technique dissected by the bar-by-bar experts. This week it is David Robertson’s turn. All the MaestroCam broadcasts, however, can still be seen and studied on the Proms website.”
Posted August 25, 2009