In Tuesday’s (1/2) Hometownstations WLIO (Lima, Ohio), Todd Cummins reports, “The Lima Symphony Orchestra is sharing their love of music with kids through their storytime series. A group of musicians travels to different libraries in a seven-county region around Lima, to share books that are brought to life with music. Today (1/2/24), they visited the Mercer County District Library to showcase various string instruments. In the area that they cover, there are only three school districts that have music programs with string instruments. So, this is the first time that many children are hearing and seeing a violin, viola, or cello in person. The symphony hopes that the storytimes will inspire the kids to find music when they get older and get the benefits, like creativity and memory, that come with it…. ‘The [young people] build skills in collaboration and teamwork,’ says Lydia Butterfield, Education Coordinator for Lima Symphony Orchestra. ‘It gives them confidence also because they work so hard on this one song and when they finally feel good about it, it just builds their confidence….’ The next Symphony Storytime will be next Wednesday, January 10th at Saint Mary’s Public Library.”
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