In Thursday’s (12/2) Newsday, Steve Parks reports, “Facing a serious cash crunch, the Long Island Philharmonic said yesterday that it has decided not to play a 2010-11 season—except for its annual New Year’s Eve concert at Tilles Center. ‘We’re in the midst of reorganizing,’ said Philharmonic board president Jack Russell, a process he estimates will take six months. … Following three free outdoor performances, the Philharmonic announced this summer that it would delay the opening of the 2010-11 season until New Year’s Eve. That concert, ‘Greatest Hits of Broadway,’ is still on, general manager Linda Morrisey said. The orchestra’s annual budget, funded by state grants, corporate and private contributions and ticket sales, has been pared from $1.5 million to $1 million. ‘We have to pay down our debt,’ Russell said. Because of the state’s budget crisis, Gov. David A. Paterson vetoed $100,000 in State Legislature members’ grants. Corporate sponsorships have fallen by a quarter. Meanwhile, Stephen Belth, the Philharmonic’s executive director, has resigned and four of nine staff members have been laid off.” A subscription is required to view the complete story at the Newsday link above.
Posted December 3, 2010