“Louisville, Kentucky has been a center of protest since Breonna Taylor was killed by police a year ago, this month,” writes Ari Shapiro in Friday’s (3/26) National Public Radio. “Two prominent musicians in the city, an unusual pair, are collaborating in response … Jecorey Arthur—a rapper who, as of last year, became Louisville’s youngest elected official as a city councilor—and … Teddy Abrams, conductor of the Louisville Orchestra, where he became music director seven years ago while still in his mid-20s. The two are now teaming up for a livestreamed [March 27] concert as part of the program ‘LOVE,’ or Louisville Orchestra Virtual Edition.” In the article, Jecorey Arthur and Teddy Abrams discuss the legacy of Black music and the role artists have in times of upheaval. Says Abrams, “Louisville has a lot of rebuilding [to do], more rebuilding than most because of everything that’s happened here—you want the artists to be leading those conversations.” Says Arthur, “When you unpack everything that Teddy and I are about, it’s the same mission: to improve this world, make this world better. But now, it’s just not the school hall. It’s not just the concert hall. It’s also city hall.”
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