“For 33 years Ballet Memphis has put on breathtaking performances of the Nutcracker. Even though the pandemic has caused changes, this tradition is one that families can enjoy from the comfort of their own homes,” reports Maya Malone in Thursday’s (12/10) FOX13 TV (Memphis). On Friday, “Their film Nutcracker: A Gift from Ballet Memphis hits screens all over the country…. ‘It was a challenge,’ Gretchen Wollert McLennon, President and CEO of Ballet Memphis, said…. McLennon said they’ve never missed a year … Ballet Memphis even continued its partnership with Memphis Symphony Orchestra…. ‘We have worked with them performing Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker for years and years and years,’ Memphis Symphony Orchestra Music Director Moody said…. The orchestra is even continuing one of [its] holiday traditions. ‘Magic of Memphis is a beloved tradition…. It’s a smaller production than we’ve done in past years. In some ways, it’s even more special … to people who are able to make it to the concert.’ Magic of Memphis will be limited to only 15 percent capacity. At the Cannon Center, that means only 350 tickets will be sold.” The Nutcracker film is available on Ballet Memphis’s website and Tennessee PBS stations through Dec. 25.
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