Members of the Midland Symphony Orchestra perform for a limited audience at the Midland Center for the Arts on November 14, led by Music Director Bohuslav Rattay. The concert was also live-streamed.
“After just a little over a month of being reopened, local entertainment venues are preparing to close [after] the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services issued an epidemic order that restricts gatherings at entertainment venues and recreational facilities for the next three weeks in order to curb the spread of COVID-19,” writes Victoria Ritter in Tuesday’s (11/17) Midland Daily News (Midland, MI). “Terri Trotter, president and CEO of Midland Center for the Arts, [said] the center has been keeping tabs on the pandemic and is continuously following the lead of the Midland County Health Department…. Ironically, the center held its first indoor event since March, a Midland Symphony Orchestra concert on Saturday night which drew about 50 in-person attendees. Trotter has since received many affirming remarks, thanking the center for the intensive safety measures and enjoyable evening they experienced…. The center will continue to host virtual events on its website and Facebook page… ‘We’ll be keeping an eye on what’s happening,’ Trotter said. ‘We do want to provide a safe space for people to be out and get a mental health break.’ ” The article covers several area businesses affected by the order.