The Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra.
In Wednesday’s (1/31) Shepherd Express (Milwaukee, WI), a staff-written article states, “Make-A-Wish Wisconsin is set to fulfill its 8,000th wish, in collaboration with the Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra (MYSO). The milestone will be celebrated on Saturday, Feb. 24 … at the Bradley Symphony Center. Lulu Altman from Fox Point, who is battling an autoimmune disorder, is the recipient of this milestone wish. Lulu’s wish is to sing with an orchestra, and she will have the opportunity to showcase her talent as part of MYSO’s Founders Concert…. Lulu will rehearse with the MYSO in late January and February. On the day of the concert, she will receive professional styling, donning a new gown and be adorned with jewelry provided by Kesslers Diamonds. Lulu will make a grand entrance via limousine, receiving a red-carpet welcome in the Bradley Symphony Center … During the first half of the concert … Lulu will perform a set of four songs. Following the concert, a private reception will be held for Lulu and her family and friends. The concert is open to the public … Lulu’s wish marks the 8,000th granted by Make-A-Wish Wisconsin since its establishment in 1984.”