“Naperville music teacher Greg Schwaegler wants musicians and vocalists of all ages and skill levels to join in a massive, do-it-yourself community project this Saturday,” writes Suzanne Baker in Tuesday’s (5/12) Naperville Sun (Illinois). “Schwaegler … is asking people around the world to head out to their yards, porches, garages or balconies at 7 p.m. local time … to perform a melody [by Reena Esmail], ‘Panem Nostrum.’… To prepare for the #liftyourvoice event, musicians and soloists are invited download and practice the music at liftyourvoice2020.weebly.com…. The piece … is an outgrowth of a music project inspired by ARTSpeaks, a Naperville group that promotes arts education in public schools. Last October ARTSpeaks invited violinist Vijay Gupta … and … Reena Esmail to meet with … Naperville students…. The centerpiece of their visit … was Esmail’s ‘Concerto for You,’ which premiered in December.… ‘Panem Nostrum’ is a melody from Esmail’s concerto…. Schwaegler’s #liftyourvoice event already is generating interest across the music community, including the Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestra, Elgin Youth Symphony Orchestra, Naperville Municipal Band, National Association for Music Education and music groups from three Illinois colleges…. ‘As musicians, unfortunately we can’t be together. We try to find opportunities for students to make music together,’ ” said Kevin Gupana of the Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestra.
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