Chicago Opera Theater will host several events during National Opera Week, which takes place throughout the U.S. from October 28 to November 6. In conjunction with the Chicago Office of Tourism and Culture and the Chicago College of Performing Arts at Roosevelt University, COT will offer free “Pop-Up Operas,” short opera performances throughout the city, with COT posting hints about “Pop-Up Opera” locations and times via its Twitter feed. An opera scavenger hunt exploring Chicago’s music and opera spots begins on October 28, using the Scavenger with Friends iPhone and Android app. National Opera Week, now in its third year, is coordinated by OPERA America, the national service organization for opera, with support of the National Endowment for the Arts. “We hope that all of our events during this week will make opera relevant and exciting in a real-world setting, and will change preconceived notions about opera being stuffy or boring,” said COT General Director Brian Dickie.
Posted October 28, 2011