The National Symphony Orchestra and Music Director Gianandrea Noseda.

In Wednesday’s (6/12) Opera Wire, Francisco Salazar writes, “The National Symphony Orchestra (NSO) has announced that long-time Board member Roger Sant has pledged an additional $10 million towards the organization’s endowment. The pledge is the largest individual gift in the Orchestra’s history and brings Sant’s lifetime giving to more than $35 million, a portion of which funds the naming of the Music Director Chair for Roger Sant and Congresswoman Doris Matsui. This gift launches the NSO’s efforts to grow its endowment to $100 million by 2031. Regarding his gift, Sant said, ‘Leaving these legacy gifts to the National Symphony Orchestra is an expression of our profound love for the NSO and its gifted musicians. My wife, Doris, and I are grateful for the creation of the Roger Sant and Congresswoman Doris Matsui Chair, dedicated to the NSO Music Director. Our hope is that this chair will amplify the NSO’s capacity to inspire and enrich our community through the transformative power of music.’ ”