“Members of the Chautauqua Symphony Orchestra have overwhelmingly approved a new four-year agreement with Chautauqua Institution,” reports Greg Larson in Tuesday’s (1/17) Chautauqua Today (Dunkirk, N.Y.). “Chautauqua’s Director of Communications, Jordan Steves, says they are ‘thrilled’ and relieved to have a new contract in place prior to the start of the 2017 season. The previous contract expired last year. … On their Facebook page, members of the symphony thanked the public for its support through ‘the most difficult contract negotiation any of us can remember. Without the outpouring of support we received from you, this could not have been done.’ … The 2017 season begins in late June. He says they will have at least 20 performances in the Amphitheater, and other performances with the Chautauqua Dance Company and Opera, among others.” Says Steves, “The headline numbers are 12.12 percent increase in compensation over the four years of the contract. And also importantly, we’re keeping the size of the orchestra at its current size, which is 74 musicians…. We are just so happy to have a confirmation of the CSO, and it will continue as an essential part of artistic life at Chautauqua for a full 2017 and the three seasons after that.”
Posted January 19, 2017