The Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra and Music Director Krzysztof Urbański
“The Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra and musicians have reached a labor agreement that addresses pay and health care in a year that has included furloughs and a season vacated of its previously planned performances,” writes Domenica Bongiovanni in Tuesday’s (9/8) Indianapolis Star (IN). “The symphony and musicians’ representative Orchestra Committee announced the resolution of a health insurance dispute between the two parties, that each musician would receive a $500 weekly stipend and the beginnings of plans for alternative programming next spring. The contract agreement is for one year … CEO James Johnson said. It will take care of short-term issues related to the coronavirus pandemic through Aug. 29, 2021…. The symphony and musicians are negotiating a longer-term agreement that will start after that…. A centerpiece of the new agreement is that the ISO will provide health insurance to its 69 musicians and music librarians…. The ISO will pay musicians’ premiums, which is a departure from the pre-pandemic policy in which musicians paid for a portion of their premiums…. As part of the new agreement, musicians will give six weeks of performances and engagement activities starting in the spring. Johnson said the parties are collaboratively discussing the nature of the performances and safety measures.”