The Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony rehearses in fall 2023; the season was cancelled shortly before opening.
In Friday’s (5/3) Ludwig Van (Toronto), Anya Wassenberg writes, “The Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony may yet see another day. ‘What we have learned is that when bankruptcy is declared, it doesn’t necessarily mean the game is over,’ said Barbara Hankins, president of the symphony’s players’ association, in a statement to The Waterloo Region Record…. According to a letter [from the Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony Orchestra Association] that was sent to supporters via email, the organization is looking for nominations for a new symphony board of directors—with a deadline of May 13… Last September, musicians and KWS subscribers alike were shocked to find out that the season had been cancelled … Ongoing financial troubles, with the added weight of the pandemic-era drought in revenues, had sunk the ship…. A letter from the Association states: ‘Although the Association filed for bankruptcy, we have been advised that the option exists for the Association to file a Proposal to satisfy creditors and to move forward with the legal structure of the Association intact.’ So far, no formal steps … have been taken…. Hankins [stated in the letter], ‘As the Musicians of the KWS, we are hopeful that this process can be successful so that we can again see you in a concert hall in the near future.’ ”