The Strategic National Arts Alumni Project has released findings from a 2010 online survey on job and career satisfaction taken by 13,581 graduates of U.S. arts high schools, colleges, conservatories, and arts schools and departments within universities. Among the findings: two-thirds of respondents say their first job after graduating was a close match for the kind of work they wanted; 61 percent of musicians are very satisfied with the opportunity to be creative at work; and 71 percent of alumni who are not professional artists continue to make or publicly perform their art. The Strategic National Arts Alumni Project is a project of the Indiana University Center for Postsecondary Research in collaboration with the Vanderbilt University Curb Center for Art, Enterprise, and Public Policy. The survey is designed to provide a comprehensive look at how artists develop in the U.S. and define factors needed to connect arts training to artistic careers. More information on the study is available at
Posted May 3, 2011