“The continuing drumbeat (pardon the pun) of American symphony orchestras for more than a decade has been a funereal one,” writes Sharon Litwin at NolaVie.com (New Orleans) on Wednesday (12/18). “Over and over we have heard how desperate the orchestras’ financial situations are; how their audiences are graying and diminishing; to say nothing of the complaint that all they play is the music of dead, white men. But, says Jesse Rosen, President and Chief Executive Officer of the League of American Orchestras, the times they are a-changing.” In a radio interview between Rosen and Litwin—former executive director of the Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra—that aired on New Orleans radio station WWNO, Rosen and Litwin spoke about the Louisiana Philharmonic’s musician-run, collaborative management model, as well as some of the creative ways orchestras are innovating, while maintaining faithful to the core repertoire, including the Los Angeles Philharmonic’s new-music programs and the Baltimore Symphony’s “Rusty Musicians” program for adult amateur musicians. To listen to the audio interview, click here.
Posted December 20, 2013