In Friday’s (4/1) Miami Herald, Laura Isensee writes, “Miami Beach has released $15 million in a city grant to the New World Symphony, but investigators are still reviewing allegations the city demanded free tickets to shows in exchange for the money. Symphony President Howard Herring said in a statement that the city did not require tickets in exchange for the money. ‘We are very grateful for the city’s understanding and cooperation. The New World Symphony has committed to a host of public benefits, and we will continue to work closely with the city on this program as we go forward,’ Herring said. Symphony officials previously said the city wanted those public benefits to include free tickets—18 per show—under a decades-old practice in Miami Beach. But symphony leaders balked at the condition. City Manager Jorge Gonzalez previously said the administration’s request for symphony tickets was part of contract negotiations, not a demand. … The Miami-Dade State Attorney’s Office is still reviewing allegations that the city manager, Gonzalez, demanded that the New World Symphony give him and commissioners free show tickets in order for the symphony to receive the $15 million grant.”
Posted April 5, 2011